Study on the Prevalence and Host-Related Risk Factors of Bovine Trypanosomosis in Selected Kebeles of Konta Zone District, South Western Ehiopia


  • Esayas Balcha Animal Health Institute, Wolaita Sodo Branch, Ethiopia
  • Hasen Kasa School of Veterinary Medicine, Wolaita Sodo University, Ethiopia



Ameya Zuria Woreda, Bovine, Prevalence, Protozoa parasites, Trypanosomosis


Trypanosomosis is a disease caused by several species of protozoa parasites called trypanosomes found in the blood and other tissues of vertebrates including livestock, wildlife & people. The objective of this cross-sectional study was to determine the prevalence of bovine trypanosomosis, identify species of trypanosomes involved and access associated risk factors in Ameya Zuria Woreda.  In this study, an overall prevalence of 12.8 % (49/ 384) of bovine trypanosomosis was recorded. Prevalence of 9.4 % and 16.9 % was observed in female and male cattle respectively. Bovine trypanosomosis with the prevalence of 18.5%, 11.8%, 10.4%, 10.8% & 11.8% was recorded in Chebera, Cheta, Dupa, Serishewa and Yora peasant associations respectively. The prevalence of 5.6%, 14.3 6% and 16.7 were recorded in cattle of young, adult and old respectively. Two species of trypanosomosis T.congulense and Brucei were detected with a prevalence of 11.2% and 1.7 % respectively.  In the current study, the prevalence of trypanosomosis based on body condition scores were recorded as good, medium, and poor as 6.8 %, 9.9 % and 21.3 % respectively. Based on coat color, the prevalence of 26.4%, 15.8%, 8.5% and 5.8 were recorded in black, grey, red and white color respectively. Based on Hematological findings of PCV <25 and PCV ? 25 78.6% were recorded as anemic while 21.4 % were normal. In conclusion, this study indicated that trypanosomosis was the major constraint of livestock production in the Ameya Zuria Woreda *20therefore; concerned individuals should strengthen and continue the effort against this parasitic disease.


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How to Cite

Esayas Balcha, & Hasen Kasa. (2023). Study on the Prevalence and Host-Related Risk Factors of Bovine Trypanosomosis in Selected Kebeles of Konta Zone District, South Western Ehiopia. International Journal of Agriculture, Biology & Environment (e-ISSN 2582-6107) DOI: 10.47504/IJAGRI, 3(4), 14–23.